

Summary: 十大正规网赌软件 adjusts staff assignments based on the number of students enrolled in schools. 10月. 我们增加了一个FAQ.



每年, 十大正规网赌软件 adjusts staff assignments based on the number of students enrolled in schools. 这一过程每年都会影响多所学校.   

学校职员的经费是根据学生的注册情况而定的. This staffing adjustment is a task that all 华盛顿 school districts must complete to be sure the number of educators matches the number of students in each school. 

我们知道,搬家对学生、家庭和员工来说都是一项挑战. 每个人员调整决策都经过深思熟虑,以尽量减少干扰. 

  • 没有教师会因为人员调整而失去他们在学区的职位.
  • 对于一些学校来说,他们可能会增加员工来容纳更多的学生.  
  • 其他学校, 工作人员可能会被转移到另一栋大楼,因为他们的最终入学人数低于预期.   

我们每年两次预测下一学年的学生入学人数. These figures are important because they help us anticipate state funding and allow us to hire staff for each school.  

The enrollment adjustment is a process all districts statewide use to match the number of teachers with the actual student enrollment at each school.   

尽快稳定人员配备和教室, 我们以开学第六天的人数作为正式入学人数.


发布:10月. 6, 2023

专注于早期学习, 华盛顿 state law encourages school districts to staff kindergarten through third grade at a smaller class size.

十大正规网赌软件(SPS)重视小班教学. Our review showed a staffing imbalance that needs to be corrected to meet state requirements at several schools.


平衡我们的教育人员, 到十月底,一些学生可能会被转移到新的教室或有一个新的老师.

如果这个调整 意味着你的小学或K-8学校的改变,你会从你的校长那里收到一条单独的信息.


往年, SPS was able to provide extra funding to schools to minimize classroom staffing assignment changes. 然而, 由于目前的预算短缺, SPS无法支付2023-24学年的费用.

The focus is on maintaining the 17:1 staffing ratio for K-3 general education classrooms to secure full state funding. This is a districtwide ratio that includes the classroom teacher and additional educators such interventionists and 专家. 

确保卫生服务署有资格获得$3.华盛顿州拨款600万美元, 我们的小学教室必须有适当的师生比例.

We recognize staff and classroom assignment changes during the school year may cause anxiety and frustration for families. We are working with our district leadership and principals to minimize disruption and make these adjustments as early in the school year as possible.


Here are steps SPS is taking to maintain a specific staffing ratio for K-3 general education to receive full funding, 如华盛顿州法律所述(RCW 28.150.260): 

  • 年度报告:卫生服务司每年向卫生服务司提交一份S-275表格,该表格评估全区K-3员额比例. 这份报告考虑了不同的立场, 包括任课教师, 专家, 以及通过基础教育资助的干预主义者,以支持K-3学生. 
  • 预算的变化: 在上一个预算周期内,卫生服务司裁减了缓冲人员. 
  • 2023- 2024学年回顾: SPS recently reviewed classroom configurations for the 2023-24 school year and found that several schools did not align with the K-3 and 4-5 staffing allocations. 这种错位可能造成大约3美元的损失.600万的国家资金面临风险. 
  • 纠正措施: SPS is actively working to correct staffing assignments to align with the budget and ensure compliance with the required K-3 class size ratios to maintain full state funding. 


十大正规网赌软件 received feedback from many families and community members expressing concern and frustration about the recent shifts in school staffing. District staff are listening and recognize that changes made during the school year are challenging and tough for families. 然而,学校领导正在尽最大努力减少对学生的干扰. 这是对透明度的承诺, 该地区正在提供更多关于我们如何做出这些决定的细节.   



  1. 年度调整第一个原因是每所学校的学生人数波动, which can lead to the addition or relocation of staff to accommodate the changing numbers of students. 十大正规网赌软件 projections drafted in late winter and updated in spring are used to determine school staffing for the following school year, 但每年秋季,学校可能会根据实际入学人数进行人员配置调整. 
  1. 2023年秋季第二个原因 今年 is tied to specific state funding models aimed at maintaining a low student-to-staff ratio in K-3 classrooms. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)提供额外的资金,以保持K-3学生与教师的比例较低. SPS决定调整K-3比率,以便获得大约3美元.600万美元的国家税收.  

我们知道,搬家对学生、家庭和员工来说都是一项挑战. The district’s enrollment planning teams work with principals to make adjustments as early in the school year as possible. 了解有关十大正规网赌软件预测的更多信息.


每年, 十大正规网赌软件 adjusts staff assignments based on the number of students enrolled in schools. 这一过程每年都会影响多所学校. 这是不同的 而不是为了与国家分配给学校的K-3基金保持一致而做出的改变, 但这两个问题是同时发生的. 

学校职员的经费是根据学生的注册情况而定的. This staffing adjustment is a task that all 华盛顿 school districts complete to be sure the number of educators reflects the number of students in each school. 

今年秋天,几所学校的通识教育教师分配发生了变化, 特殊教育, or multilingual classroom because of our annual process of evaluating the number of students enrolled in their school.  


  • 一些学校可能会增加员工以容纳更多的学生.  
  • 其他学校, 工作人员可能会被转移到另一栋大楼,因为他们的最终入学人数低于预期.   
  • 这些变化是 因为K-3学生和教职员的比例需要改变以获得国家资助. 这个过程每年10月进行. 

国家对K-3班级规模比例的拨款是多少? 它如何影响教师的作业和教室配置? 

今年秋天, some schools are seeing classroom educator assignment changes to maintain a specific staffing ratio for K-3 general education to receive full funding, 如华盛顿州法律所述(RCW 28.150.260). 

SPS recently reviewed classroom configurations for the 2023-24 school year and found that several schools did not align with the K-3 and 4-5 staffing allocations. 

往年, SPS was able to provide extra funding to schools to minimize classroom staffing assignment changes. 然而, 由于目前的预算短缺, SPS无法支付2023-24学年的费用.   

SPS有足够的教师吗? 这种变化是因为教师短缺吗? 


The K-3 ratio changes do not increase or decrease the total number of teachers in a school building. 这些变化影响了支持K-3学生的教师数量. OSPI)提供额外的资金,以保持K-3学生与教师的比例较低. 这通常意味着我们四年级和五年级的班级明显比K-3班大. 


一个分班包括来自不同年级的学生. 通常,它们将包括两个相邻的年级. 


平衡我们的教育人员, 到十月底,一些学生可能会被转移到新的教室或有一个新的老师. 虽然我们知道这种变化可能是破坏性的, we are working to make the change as early in the school year as possible rather than waiting for later this year.  

我们不能肯定地说这些变化如何影响学生. 然而, we are confident that our school leaders and educators will provide high quality instruction and learning experiences for our students.   



The 17:1 staffing ratio for K-3 general education classrooms is a districtwide ratio that includes the classroom teacher and additional educators such as interventionists and 专家. 


One example of equity being addressed in schools specific to the K-3 staffing ratio is reflected in the weighted staffing standards. 卫生服务计划为贫困程度较高的学校的K-3教室提供额外的教师. 




一旦学生入学预测最终确定,数据将发送给预算团队. The budget team uses the same Weighted Student Staffing (WSS) formula to generate staffing allocations. School leaders and central staff are represented on the WSS team and each year the formula is reviewed and revised.   


招聘过程从冬天开始, 当一个跨职能团队预测下一学年的学生注册时. 该团队考虑:  

  • 人口   
  • 登记   
  • 出生率   
  • 经济趋势   
  • 住房   
  • 邻近地区趋势  
  • 开设新的SPS学校等等  




以帮助抵消不断增长的体育费用, 从本学年开始,SPS将引入一项新的高中体育自愿收费.


读博士. Jones introduction to the 2024-25 预算 Book and view highlights for next school year's budget.


Superintendent Jones provides an important update on SPS safety plans and on the System of Well-Resourced 学校 Plan.